It's Ready-to-Learn Time!

Western Communities Action Network (WeCAN) is gearing up for the annual Ready-to-Learn Program, which provides new backpacks and basic, grade-specific school supplies to families in need.
With your help WeCAN will make sure that every child starts the school year with the supplies he or she needs! The annual collection of new school supplies for K-12 students is now underway. Items that are always in high demand include large sturdy backpacks, wide-lined notebooks, sharpened #2 pencils, ruled index cards, Flair/felt tip markers, dry erase markers, Sharpies, red pens, highlighters, erasers, wire-bound sketchbooks, earbuds and headphones, and loose leaf paper.
WeCAN will be hosting an outdoor donation drop-off day on Wednesday, Aug. 4, from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at their office, 5213 Shoreline Drive in Mound. Donations can also be dropped off Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through August 11. View lists from Amazon and Target – shop online and have items delivered directly to WeCAN. Please indicate that it is a gift so that they receive your donation receipt. Financial contributions are always welcome so that items can be purchased to fill the gaps.
Collection boxes will also be located at Jubilee Foods, Westonka Early Learning Center (Hilltop School), Christ Lutheran Church (Maple Plain), Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Lyndale Lutheran Church, Mount Olive Church, Our Lady of the Lake Church, River Valley Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church.
For families in need of help, school supplies will be distributed at the WeCAN office on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Appointments are required this year for curbside distribution.
Last year WeCAN provided over 250 children with the supplies they needed to be “Ready to Learn.” The Ready-to-Learn program would not be possible without the generosity of the community. You truly make a difference! If you have any questions, please contact WeCAN at 952-472-0742.