Mobile Market

The Kids Food Program was built to fill a gap in food support for school aged children over major school breaks. The Mobile Market packs bags of food geared towards children, including healthy, energizing food and meals that require minimal preparation.
For more information or to sign up for this program, please contact our Food Programs Manager.
Spanish Translations Available
For Client Food Program Surveys
The Mobile Market is a program of Western Communities Action Network (WeCAN). Our mission is to provide a mobile food shelf option to serve the needs of individuals and families in western Hennepin County with barriers to accessing a traditional food shelf. The Mobile Market currently serves about 75 households in four low-income apartment complexes with two deliveries per month. Deliveries include a packed bag of non-perishable food as well as eggs, milk, meat and an assortment of extra items such as bread, fresh fruits and vegetables,personal care items and condiments.
Please check out this article written about the Mobile Market for Lake Minnetonka Magazine!
Our Mobile Market and Kids Food Bag Program surveys are available in Spanish for clients who prefer them.
Traducción al español dentro del proyecto PerMondo para la traducción gratuita de páginas web y documentos para ONG y asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Proyecto dirigido por Mondo Agit. Traductora: Julia González.
Traducción al español dentro del proyecto PerMondo para la traducción gratuita de páginas web y documentos para ONG y asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Proyecto dirigido por Mondo Agit. Traductora: Mónica Jazmin Mora Reboyar.
Volunteer Opportunites
We need volunteers and subs to pack bags for our Mobile Market deliveries and to deliver the bags, along with fresh produce, milk and eggs, in our Mobile Market van.

Other Opportunities
Food Area Cleaning- once per month
Weekly food recovery pick-ups at local retailers.
Please contact our Food Programs Manager.
Kid Bag Pack- before school breaks
To sign up contact our Food Programs Manager.
Organize a drive for the Mobile Market
Please Contact Us to find a volunteer shift that fits your schedule.
Download our volunteer application here: Volunteer Application

Big or small donation, everything helps.
We Need Your Support!
WeCAN is a 501(c) non-profit organization, and relies heavily on community support.
Major expenses of the Mobile Market are purchasing food and purchasing fuel for the truck. Food cards to Cub Foods, Lunds Grocery, or Jubilee are always accepted and appreciated. We do, however, purchase most of our food from food banks at an extremely discounted rate, so monetary donations are especially appreciated. By purchasing through food banks we can make your dollars go much further than we could at a traditional grocery store.
Donations, both food and monetary, can be dropped off at the WeCAN office during regular business hours.
Frequently Needed Items:
All donations can be dropped off during WeCAN office hours.
Personal Care
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Personal hygiene
Cleaning products
Non-perishable food
Fresh or frozen food (please call)
Other Items
Gas cards
Food cards
Pet supplies

Organize a Drive
Holding a drive at your school, work or place of worship is a great way to collect these items.
Please contact us to determine what items we need most at the time of your drive.

Orono Senior High School Girls Basketball Team