WeCAN Appreciates Relate Counseling
WeCAN believes in working collaboratively to address the low-income community’s most critical needs. One of our important services is on-site free counseling provided by Relate Counseling Center of Minnetonka.
WeCAN recently presented Relate Counseling with a plaque of appreciation for the ongoing services it provides.
“A sincere thank you to WeCAN and the board for recognizing Relate’s co-located counseling work at WeCAN,” said Executive Director David Senior. “We firmly believe access to mental health services is at the core of helping to stabilize area families in crisis and limit the effect of second generation ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences).”
Matt Olson, above, proudly serves clients at WeCAN.
Senior noted that a new national survey in England found direct correlation to the incidence of mental health issues and poverty – so children and youth living in households with the lowest income levels were more than twice as likely to have a mental health disorder as those in the highest income households.
“WeCAN is grateful to Relate for providing onsite counseling that is greatly needed for our low-income community,” said Executive Director Christie Larson. Citing barriers such as cost, transportation and social stigma, providing free mental health services in a local, stress-free environment means clients are more likely to seek out the help they need, she added.
The value of the services delivered free to WeCAN exceeds $14,000 per year, which is only possible due to multiple revenue streams and a supportive Board of Directors at Relate. But while a dollar value can be attached to Relate’s services, its value to low-income clients is immeasurable, Larson added.
“I hope and trust WeCAN and Relate can continue to work together to find those sustainable funding streams to continue to provide access to local area families for years to come,” added Senior.