Empty Bowls Fundraiser!

Please join WeCAN and Westonka Foodies Feb. 8 for the Empty Bowls Fundraiser at Mound Westonka High School. The event, which runs from 5 to 7 p.m., will help provide meals to families in need in the Westonka Community.
A suggested donation of $10 gets attendees a simple meal of soup and bread. Westonka students have been busy making bowls for this event. With the purchase of a ticket, patrons can select a handcrafted bowl. You will have several soups to choose from, including Scotty B’s famous German Sauerkraut Soup, McGarry’s signature Potato Leek Soup and Cream of Broccoli with Monterey Jack Cheese Soup from Harvest Moon Food Co-op.
The event will also feature a silent auction and raffle. Pre-purchase $5.00 raffle tickets for a handcrafted White Hawks bean bag game through Deb Bailey, baileyd@westonka.k12.mn.us or (952) 491-8088. Checks, cash or debit/credit cards will be accepted for raffle tickets. Winner need not be present for the drawing.
WeCAN Kids’ Food Program
This program provides bags of kid-friendly meals and snacks to families in need in the Westonka area over longer school breaks and throughout the summer. The goal is to ensure that children do not go hungry during their vacations or summer break because they are not receiving school meals.
Westonka Foodies
Many of our families are struggling to keep up financially but do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals. These families fall just above the financial cutoff to receive support for their school meals. Remove the stress of having the student see a negative balance on his/her meal account by sponsoring a child. or (952) 491-8088. Checks, cash or debit/credit cards will be accepted for raffle tickets. Winner need not be present for the drawing.